Tell us about the need or crisis
Please describe the situation or crisis as much as you feel able to. Applications are strictly confidential because we know this information may be sensitive. You can view our Privacy, Confidentiality and Storage of Information Policy here.
Applications will be considered in accordance with our Conflict of Interest Policy.
Describe the current circumstances, including the number and ages of members of the household. Please note any other relevant factors such as health, special needs, housing, work or debts. Applications that have more detail and all sections fully filled out are more likely to be reviewed on time.
other funding options including Work and income
Before applying, please ensure you have explored and exhausted all other funding options including Work and Income entitlements. If you are receiving a benefit from Work and Income, tell us if you have an outstanding debt to them and what your weekly repayments are. You can either provide a copy of your benefit breakdown summary letter or a copy of your benefit summary and debt summary printouts from your MyMSD online account. Also confirm that no Work and Income grants or advances are available.
Applicants must include 2 Support people
Applicants need two support people to apply. This can be a budget advisor, a Work and Income advisor, a support/social worker, a doctor or nurse, or a minister, employer, lawyer, teacher or principal. We do not accept family or friends as support people.
If you are applying with the print application, send it to your support people after you have filled out your part and they can complete it and return it to you. This includes their signatures.